Tib Bar Review! (The Tib Bar Guy) A Review & Comparison of the Tib Bar and Solo Tib Bar by Alec EI recently received a nice little swag bag from The Tib Bar Guy! (@thetibbarguy). He sent me a tib bar, a solo tib bar, and a slant board…Sep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022
Nordic Curl Progression: Quickest Way To MasteryIf you’ve never done Nordic curls before, you likely have a long road ahead of you to perfect the movement. It took Ben Patrick (Knees Over…Sep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022
STANDING DESKSAs A Physical Therapist And Active Human, I Believe That Standing Desks Are An Excellent Way To Optimize Health And Avoid The Deleterious…Sep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022
5 Tips on how to use a Slant Board while running and training for a 50k!1. Keep Pain Away | The Tib Bar GuySep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022
How ATG & Ben Patrick are changing livesBook/Exercise Review of “Knee Ability ZERO”Sep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022
Why Invest in a Tib Bar?Firstly it gives you an easily accessible and measurable method for training your tibialis anterior muscle both for yourself and clients…Sep 24, 2022Sep 24, 2022